The Benefits of LED Lights for Livestock and Dairy Farmers

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Dairy, LED Light, News, Rebate

LED lighting

Over the years, LED lights have continued to grow in popularity in every industry and application for both professional and personal use. Using LED lighting in farming and livestock management has become the norm over traditional fluorescent lightbulbs due to LED lights’ numerous benefits and impact.

While making the switch to LED lighting systems may sound costly and time consuming, dairy and livestock farmers have seen measurable, increased benefits by switching that increase their profits and reduce their costs.

LED Lights vs Fluorescent Lights for Farmers

LED lights have various benefits when compared to standard lighting systems many farmers still use. When compared to fluorescent lights, LED lights:

  • Increase energy efficiency
  • Are more cost effective
  • Produce less heat
  • Have longer lifespans
  • Are brighter and more powerful to improve safety
  • Create more comfortable environments
  • Are available for rebates

It is well known that LED lights use less power than their fluorescent counterparts. Because of this, energy costs remain low for farmers while lighting output increases. LED lighting systems operate more effectively than standard lights and are often more powerful, allowing farmers to purchase less of them to maintain their desired level of brightness and illumination in barns, arenas, and facility spaces. LED lights also produce less heat when turned on and reach full brightness quicker than fluorescent bulbs, allowing for an increased lifespan for LED bulbs and a consistent temperature in the environment, creating a comfortable space for workers and livestock.

Brighter, more powerful lighting options also help to create a safer and more illuminated work space and living environment, helping reduce injuries, improve efficiency, and promote safety. Lastly, many utility companies and some states, like New York, prioritize and offer LED lighting rebates to assist farmers with the financial switch to their new lighting system, creating real incentives for modern livestock facility lighting.

LED Lighting Positive Impact on Dairy Cow Milk Production

Over the years, there have been several studies on the impact of controlled lighting and cow milk production. These studies have found that controlling and altering the photoperiod (the duration of daily light exposure) of dairy cows leads to improved milk production. According to a University of Kentucky study, dairy cows with long day photoperiod (16 hours of light and eight hours of dark) produced 10% more milk than cows exposed to natural lighting. Milk production rates continued to grow over the course of the study as time went on. Cows exposed to controlled photoperiod lighting at younger ages also have higher rates of increased milk production throughout their lifespan. The study further states that for milk production benefits to occur, an ideal lighting of 15 footcandles is recommended, with the measurement taken three feet above the stall surface.

It is also important to note the research suggests that cows exposed to 24 hour light do not produce increased milk amounts. They need to have exposure to regular darkness in order to produce their natural melatonin hormone, which thereby allows for the increase in lactation to occur.

Find Your LED Lighting Solutions

The team at LEDWisconsin are experts in our industry and specialize in working with livestock and dairy farmers to find LED lighting solutions that best fit their needs and project requirements. We provide the high quality, durable LED lights you need that will help you increase productivity, while also increasing your cost savings.

Want more information on our LED lights? Contact us today!